In Revelation 18:1 John sees an “angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illumined with his glory. And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!”
This vision is highly relevant to our situation now as America is in upheaval. On the one hand the divine messenger illuminates the earth with his glory– a heavenly perspective I need in these dark times. On the other hand the angel’s strong declaration of the dominant earthly power’s doom and five orders to those willing to listen have plunged me into weeks of prayerful study.
In Revelation, Babylon symbolizes the most powerful empire of our world, which in the first century AD was Rome, but has since manifested in many empires. Last week when I asked Christians living inside Iran with whom I meet monthly via Zoom who they think Babylon would be today, some wrote in the chat: آمریکا (America)—though there could be other contemporary manifestations.
John of Patmos next describes Babylon with detailed imagery, inviting us to honestly consider our own contexts now.
“She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality” (Rev 18:2-3).
When I look at what America hosts and exports I see possible contemporary equivalents of Revelation’s list. America hosts the world’s most exploitive multinational corporations, billionaires, weapons manufacturers, and largest jail and prison system. America exports weapons, media violence, profanity, sexually explicit content (including porn), and other negatives– including greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute more to heat our planet per capita than any nation. And this is only the beginning of a noxious list of offenders.
The angel in Revelation 18 reveals God’s perspective on the powers– a zero-tolerance declaration that powers qualifying as Babylon are doomed to destruction. Though Babylon then and America now can look all-powerful in their arrogance and wealth— the divine messenger declares their true destiny: “fallen, fallen is America the great!”
Declaring these words now over America is certainly the opposite of today’s idolatrous mantra “make America great again.” Yet it seems especially called for in the face of the blatant and accelerated idolatry of America (evident in Trump’s renaming of the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America,” declarations of taking over Greenland, making Canada the 51st State, and turning Gaza into luxury resorts).
The Trump Administration’s ongoing demonization of immigrants, refugees and so many others requires followers of Jesus to resist. Silence in the face of Trump’s self-adulation and dominance is highly irresponsible. A verse I memorized as a child keeps coming to mind:
“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughtier spirit before a fall” (Prov 16:18).
America truly looks like it is falling, especially from a European vantage point (where we were last week), and even more now from our vantage point in Lesotho, Africa, which Trump recently dissed.
America is currently turning its back on its European friends, punishing its closest neighbors with hostile tariffs, cutting off international aid to programs in the global south that mean life or death to millions in Africa, deporting vulnerable refugees, and threatening to round up and deport America’s undocumented immigrant workforce, and gutting its own government through mass firings, so it can afford massive tax cuts to the super rich.
The angel’s declaration regarding Babylon and its equivalent’s fall aligns tightly with Biblical teaching on the powers—which are not presented as reformable but as being eventually destroyed.
Yet watching things move towards going up in smoke is painful, even horrific. Certainly we must still engage in efforts to challenge and reform the powers for the sake of human beings (and our family and friends!), with a priority on advocacy for the powers’ most immediate victims and for the most vulnerable. Yet we mustn’t advocate naively, as if we will succeed at making America great again in a way that pleases us.
Moses did advocate for the Israelite slaves before Pharaoh. However, Moses’ advocacy backed by the ten plagues did not result in their release nor in Egypt’s reform. Pharaoh and his chariots perished in the sea.
God judges the rulers in Psalm 82, which are also called “sons of God” (a reference to their being originally created for good).
“They do not know nor do they understand; they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. I said, “you are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High. Nevertheless you will die like people and fall like any one of the princes.” Arise, O God, judge the earth!” (Ps 82:5-8).
The Psalmist’s exposure of the ignorance and pathetic failure of the powers in reminiscent of Isaiah’s prophetic exposure of the total incapacity of human-fabricated wooden idols to save– and the resulting blindness to of those who worship them (Is 44:16-19).
The Apostle Paul is even clearer about the destruction (and not reformation) of the powers, which certainly includes USA when he says
“Then comes the end, when he [Jesus] hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when he has abolished all rule and all authority and power” (1 Cor 15:24).
Coming out of America
Because Babylon, now manifesting as America, will fall (and appears to be falling now), what would it look like to seriously follow the angel’s first order, and four subsequent ones? John of Patmos hears another voice from heaven that calls disciples of Jesus to leave Babylon and her equivalents:
“Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities” (Rev 18:4-5).
“Come out of her!” is the divine messenger’s first order— the polar opposite of patriotic homeland defense. As someone who owns a home and land in the gorgeous Skagit County in Washington State, fully engaged in a faith community that I love, I have been prayerfully and painfully considering what this means.
Actual physical departure may one day be called for and should even prepared for– depending on what comes. Millions of people throughout the world have had to flee their countries as refugees—including most of America’s original colonizers. Boycotting certain companies and divesting from questionable investments and other actions may also be appropriate. However, the leaving the angel orders is first and foremost a heart posture of breaking ties of allegiance in favor of a higher calling– as when Jesus tells his disciples:
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon (Babylon, USA, democracy, the Stock Market, US dollar…)
But let’s look more closely at why the angel’s first command is: “Come out of her!”
The angel gives us a direct answer in the next line, warning that not coming out means continuing to participate in her sins, and receiving her plagues!
Another reason is visible in God’s designation “my people.” Coming out in response to God’s order means we are breaking with our old identity as Babylonians (Americans, British, Russians, Chinese, Israelis, Iranians, French…), behaving instead as God’s very own beloved people.
When we come out in response to God’s command, we die to our earthly identities, and fully receive our baptismal identity as God’s child. We then enter the Kingdom of God (by water and the Spirit), which then makes us “strangers and aliens” in this world—and we are not allowed dual citizenship!
Following the Angel’s next four orders
Once we have broken out of our captivity to the powers, renouncing our allegiance to the kingdoms of this world, we are then free to follow the angel’s next four orders. Serious prayer, research and reflection is needed to come up with Spirit-inspired action in response to these commands. A small sampling of possible actions are included under each order below.
The angel’s second order “Pay her back even as she has paid!” (Rev 18:6) is a command to engage in a sort of retributive justice. This is certainly not a call to exercise violence against flesh and blood humans (Babylonians, American, Russians or whomever), as Paul writes:
“Never pay back evil for evil to anyone” (Rom 12:17). But we are called to spiritual struggle against rulers, authorities, powers, world forces of darkness in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12).
Paying back here refers to retributive justice against a non-human entity, her, Babylon. Since America is now brazenly becoming a self-serving, oppressive idol, even fitting the OT category of a high place, it seems its spiritual and social status must be somehow torn down even as it has built itself up at others’ expense.
Paying back America “even as she has paid” requires research into how she has behaved in the past and how she behaves now. Prophetic exposure of America’s sins, in direct attack against her boasts is a way to practice this imperative now.
- Exposing and denouncing the failure of America’s prison system to rehabilitate the incarcerated and assist then in effective re-entry.
Exposing each and time the US Government broke treaties with indigenous tribal communities, restoring land and other treaty rights with interest. - Exposing and denouncing each and every self-serving US military intervention that pretended to defend or liberate.
The third order “Give back double according to her deeds” is similar to the second. Precision consequences are related to offenses times two—a kind of spiritual warfare retributive against the power called “America.” Examples might include:
- Exposing and publicly denouncing twice as many of America’s abuses of human rights than positive contributions claimed by America’s apologists.
- Exposing the corruption of America’s legal system twice as much as its proponents laud its superiority, demonstrating how it acquits the rich and powerful of their crimes and condemns the less privileged and poor.
- Calling back twice as many Christian nationalists to Jesus from the clutches of allegiance to America.
The fourth order follows in kind: “in the cup which she has mixed, mix twice as much for her.”
- The “cup” here might reflect what the dominant power (here identified as America) has given people to drink a manifestation of its hospitality.
- Acknowledging, decrying and mourning the US Constitution’s second amendment right to bear arms as leading to extreme insecurity and fear inside America due to gun violence.
- Decrying the failure of America’s education system to effectively educate its citizens and residents, and the mainstream media’s failure to effectively report national and world news due to its ownership by corporate and billionaire interests.
The fifth and final order again requires research to accomplish: “To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning.”
- Immediate, informed responses to each and every official or public statement glorifying America with detailed denunciations of America’s failures to liberate and defend life.
- Public mourning for America’s crimes and failings, in direct response to each and every celebration of its claims to greatness.
Acknowledging and mourning America’s failure to effectively address the roots of homelessness, the opioid pandemic, and mental health crisis. - Decrying and grieving the failure of America’s democracy, showing how its two-party system has been co-opted by the rich and powerful.
Far more prayerful work is needed if we’re to properly respond to the angel’s orders and prepare ourselves for highly challenging future. In conclusion, departure from America is an invitation to a new freedom to join Jesus himself, those already cast out, and those Jesus seeks, “outside the camp,” as Hebrew 13:13-14 brilliantly invites us to do:
“So, let us go out to him outside the camp, bearing his reproach. For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.”
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