Bob Ekblad
Jun 10, 2009
This last year many of us at Tierra Nueva have felt a need to go deeper into God’s love and presence and into Jesus’ ministry of deliverance to people oppressed by personal and structural evil.
Jesus describes God as having sent him to proclaim release to the captives and to let the oppressed go free (Luke 4:18). In Acts 10:38 Peter summarizes Jesus’ ministry as he witnessed it “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power… he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.”
We want to see people (ourselves included) freed from forces like shame, fear, control, anger, abandonment, rejection, addictions, lust, and greed, as well as from indebtedness, criminal behavior, legal oppression, racism, gang and national allegiances and other macro powers.
You are invited to join us for four days and five nights of worship, teaching, participatory Bible studies, discussion and fellowship focusing on Jesus’ teaching about deliverance and getting filled up with more of the Holy Spirit.
Topics include: revisiting cosmology; hands on teaching on deliverance, inner and physical healing; the importance of forgiveness; freedom from the stronghold of shame, fear and control; deliverance from micro and macro powers; hearing the voice of God; adoption and empowerment.
Bob Ekblad and the Tierra Nueva staff will provide the teaching, worship leading and personal ministry.
When and Where: Sunday night July 26, 4:30pm – Thursday night July 30 @ 10pm At Tierra Nueva, 102 N. Pine, Burlington, WA
Cost: $145 per person or $200 per couple.
Lodging at New Earth refuge $20 a night (single bunk beds in separate women and men’s dorms) or $75 for four nights.
To register or for more information contact
and/or check our website
I great you BOB, your son an all you colleges in the name of Jesus. I am Gomes Cumbe (Participant of RICATLA SEMINARY – Mozambique). I am reading more about your job. I wish that god can bless yuo in all you are doing. My e-mail: [email protected]